Efficacité des psychothérapies psychodynamiques brèves dans le traitement des dépressions

The efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression : a meta-analysis.

Par :Ellen Driessen (ab,) Pim Cuijpers (a), Saskia C.M.de Maat (b), Allan A.Abbass (c), Fransd e Jonghe (b), Jack J.M. Dekker (ab)

(a) VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Psychology and Education, Department of Clinical Psychology, Van der Boechorststraat 1, 1081 BT Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(b)  JellinekMentrum Mental Health Institute, Overschiestraat 65, 1062 XD Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(c) Dalhousie University, Department of Psychiatry, 8203-5909 Veterans Memorial Lane, Halifax, NS, Canada B3H 2E2

Pour citer cet article :

Ellen Driessen) Pim Cuijpers, Saskia C.M.de Maat, Allan A.Abbass, Frans de Jonghe, Jack J.M. Dekker (2010). The efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy for depression: A meta-analysis.  Clinical Psychology Review, Volume 30, Issue 1, 25-36.



Objectives : It remains largely unclear, firstly whether short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (STPP) is an effective treatment for depression, and secondly, which study, participant, or intervention characteristics may moderate treatment effects. The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of STPP for depression and to identify treatment moderators.

Results : After a thorough literature search, 23 studies totaling 1365 subjects were included. STPP was found to be significantly more effective than control conditions at post-treatment (d = 0.69). STPP pre-treatment to post-treatment changes in depression level were large (d = 1.34), and these changes were maintained until 1-year follow-up. Compared to other psychotherapies, a small but significant effect size (d = − 0.30) was found, indicating the superiority of other treatments immediately post-treatment, but no significant differences were found at 3-month (d = − 0.05) and 12-month (d = − 0.29) follow-up. Studies employing STPP in groups (d = 0.83) found significantly lower pre-treatment to post-treatment effect sizes than studies using an individual format (d = 1.48). Supportive and expressive STPP modes were found to be equally efficacious (d = 1.36 and d = 1.30, respectively).

Conclusion : We found clear indications that STPP is effective in the treatment of depression in adults. Although more high-quality RCTs are necessary to assess the efficacy of the STPP variants, the current findings add to the evidence-base of STPP for depression.

Keywords : Depression, Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy, STPP, Meta-analysis